Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Finding the GOOD in your day of BAD!!!!

So day 2 of the blogging has arrived. This week is going to be a little bit of a wash with my training because I will be traveling to New York for work and am leaving this afternoon. I got in a 2000m swim this morning and it couldn’t have gone better.

I recently joined a website called my swim plan. The address is www.swimplan.com. The website is a great tool that I will likely use for quite some time. More or less you enter specific information about yourself and what level of swimmer you are it this website creates as many personalized swim workouts as you want.

Today’s workout was great because part of the plan called for 8 x 100’s at 1:50 pace with 20sec rest / 100m. I was able to maintain a 1:35 pace for each 100. I was very pleased with this and felt really strong.

No matter what happens it’s always a good day when one thing goes your way. Or to put it in the words of Jeremy Irwin “ When the stars aligned for just that moment” Whether that one thing is something that happens at work, something in your workout or it could be something as simple as a favorite re-run of “The Office” being on television. Today my day started great because my workout went well. Its always difficult getting in the pool after being out for over a week, because in some cases I have experienced a huge fitness loss and it seems like eternity to finish your workout. This morning that was not the case. I challenge everyone to look at their day and despite how many things went wrong or how much you didn’t get accomplished to find that “One Thing” that went your way, because through it all there is always something that went your way. Even if it seems like there is not, think about the fact that you are even able to be thinking of this topic and aren’t in jail or in a coma. Hell if you ask me that means something good happened to. The key for me to having a good day is focusing on the one little good thing that happened to you and forgetting about the rest of the negative things.

I am kind of upset that I can’t get in a good week of training because of my traveling but then I remind myself how often do I get to go to New York and spend time with my best friends. There will be plenty of time to train for my races in the future, what there won’t be is time with my friends who live far away from me. So once again focusing on the positives and letting them overtake the negatives, as you may come to find I feel I am a very positive person. I was really looking forward to getting in some long rides and good swims and one run. 2 weeks ago I finished my first marathon and didn’t work out for 4 days straight. That really sucked a lot. I will go back and write a whole bit on the marathon experience some other time soon.

I think that I will try most days to write during my lunch hour and see how that works. It will be interesting to see if anyone ever reads this thing too, but hey if no one reads it I can at least go back and read and reflect upon the good and the bad. I may check back in on the plane to NYC.

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