Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Short sweet and to the point

Last night I just finished reading a book by Dean Karnazes entitled 50/50: Secrets I Learned Running 50 Marathons in 50 Days -- and How You Too Can Achieve Super Endurance! Towards the end of the book a quote jumped out at me and it really hit home. At times in life things can get busy. These days people more than ever are trying to fit 30 hours worth of stuff into a 24 hour day. It goes without saying that you will have to sacrifice something. Lets just hope that you choose the right thing to sacrifice. 

For me, I woke up today at 5 and am about to head out for a 7 mile run. I am back training for my second marathon and it has gone great so far. Needless to say, I am really busy right now with work but no matter what I am still going to get my training and running in. Now at times that may be why I have no clean clothes, a sink full of dishes, a dirty toilet, and dust on every surface. It all comes down to priorities, and where things like exercise rank your life. For me its right at the top.  So here is the quote:

"The past is the past, the future's uncertain, and today is a gift. That's why they call it the present."

--Dean Karnazes

So its all about priorities and deciding the important things in your life, don't get wrapped up in work, or school so much that you forget what is important to you. 


Unknown said...

Good post, Brett.

Chloe said...

I agree :) That is why I don't mind sitting at home on on Friday night and then getting up bright and early on Saturday morning to rock out an 18 miler with my traning group! Good post no doubt.